Here is what the family has to say.....
Reviewer: Phylis Mack - A Lett relative from Zanesville, OH writes:
Thanks for posting the information about Copyright Laws, and for standing up for the Old Settlers' Website. The information that you post from the families is very important to us. We need access to this information, I have learned to appreciate my family connections because of it. It is a valuable resource for all of us. Thank you.
Reviewer: Joanne Mumford - My husband Wayne Mumford asked that I write and let you know how very much he appreciates your "Old Settler" information site. Wayne and I had planned to attend the picnic last month but unexpected surgery (and hurricanes) we couldn't make the drive. Hopefully, if everything is okay next year we will see you then. Please let everyone know the web site is fantastic and we really utilize it. Wayne & Joanne Mumford
Reviewer: Robert Lett - I'm just feeling a bit sentimental and wanted to share a few thoughts with you. I cannot express how much it means to me having made contact with my large Michigan family. While I have been aware of my Lett connected family of Ohio, somehow having connected with the Michigan family has made my life more complete.
Of course to my Lett surname family I'm obligated to say you are "the best" but in truth the many friendships I have made through e-mail and telephone conversations; with those of the; Berry, Cross, Green, Guy, Norman, Pointer, Sleet, Stewart, Todd surnames have been outstanding. While each family has its own unique story to tell it is the common story of our interlinking of families which is so incredibly dynamic.
When you view the tragedy unfolding in Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi, and you see the widespread devastation it makes me so grateful and appreciative of all that we have.
The vehicle and tool for communicating and teaching which has grown from the Old Settlers Reunion Books into a website continues to capture the imagination of all who happen onto the website. Further the spirit of your forefathers is conveyed in the brilliant manner in which Marsha has erected the website and continually upgrades its contents.It is truly amazing how many people are drawn to "come home" and are "welcomed back" as a result of those who struggled to create the reunion books which became a source for the website.
I want to once again tell you how much I appreciate and love you. Further, what a pleasure it is being apart of your family too!